
We are driven by the commitment to do what is
right for our business, our customers, and our
planet, now, and for generations to come.


Fellowes Team S.E.E.D. (Sustainability, Education, Empowerment, Duty) enhances the sustainability of our products, packaging, facilities, and operations through the education of our employees, customers, and suppliers.

Our goal is to break down barriers to progress and empower our employees and suppliers to make environmentally preferable choices whenever possible.

Reducing energy usage in our facilities and products

Through facility optimization and improvements in production efficiency, Fellowes has reduced annual energy consumption. High efficiency plant lighting and energy saving electronics are just a few of the ways we work toward greener manufacturing.

The high-efficiency LED lighting in our Itasca manufacturing facility results in an average of 50% reduction in energy consumption.

Minimizing waste through continuous improvement

Fellowes has implemented company-wide recycling and reduced-waste initiatives from the manufacturing floor to the administrative offices. By creating products from recycled content to refurbishing business machines, we have improved our environmental efforts.

Committed to reducing emissions

Fellowes has found ways to minimize emissions and make manufacturing more eco-friendly. We reduced our VOC output by partnering with ink suppliers for more environmental formulas and decreased our CO2 output by economizing our product packaging.